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Avatar since: 07.11.2014

United States - OH
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May GOD have mercy upon on your soul because the I wont!” {{”Here for fun only”}
Relationship Status: Other
Looking For: Friendship
"If you take your eyes off your goals, all you see is obstacles."
~ Vital Statistics ~

Full name: Phèdre nó Delaunay 

Titles: Lady 

Meaning of Name: bright, she was named this for she was born under the brightest star of Imbolc 

Coven/Clan Belonged to: House of Delaunay 

Apparent Age: 8 years old 

Real Age: 2670 years old 

Birthplace: Mythical Isle Avalon 

Current Residence (Room, not town): House of Delaunay [not a room any more I hope its alright] 

Lives With: No one family all dead 

Occupation: Sorcery 

Past Occupations: She has always been a Sorceress 

Species: Phey 

Nickname: Phe 

Sex: Female 

Birthday: Febuary 1, 666 BC 

~ Physical Appearance ~

General Description/Facial Features: Phe is a spirited child and having not deal with darker evils she is always smiling. Her brilliant emerald always have a twinkle in them, her alabaster skin show no flaws. Her hair scarlet hair flows below her shoulders and when the weather is dry it is straight and humid or raining it is curly. Here eyes are bright and shiny they almost glow jade green. 

Height & Body Type: Muscular that of a well toned athlete, but still very feminine. Her stature disguises her true power, that is what happens to all her enemies, but an enchantress does not need to be immense to control the Powers of the Universe. 

Eyes: Luminous jade 

Skin Tone: Alabaster white flawless condition 

Scars: None

Type of Dresser: Phè has always been one with exquisite taste, only the finest oils and herbs can make up her spells. Her dresses made of the exemplary silks and velvet. The leather in her garments pouches and bags come from cows that have lead a pampered life. Her shirts and skirts come from wool of sheep that have never seen the light of day. Her jewels, many handed down through family, are made of the rarest and finest stone and gems. The gold and platinum of the highest quality are what are used to make the settings and chains she uses. Her pride is the "Moon Star Diamond" necklace, not only is it a one of a kind it is the most powerful amulet in the known Universe. 

Hair Color & Style: Scarlet passed her shoulder but not yet to her waist, it is straight on dry days and curly on days that it is humid and wet. 

Tattoos/Piercings: None 

Other (Wings, ears, etc): Her wings that of gems in the sky, every color with the rainbow appear within them and crystal see through. 

~ Personality & Such ~

Disabilities: A fear of death it paralyzes her, the Sun Stone it can cancel the Moon Star Diamond's powers 

Mental State: She is stable and knows how to deal with others. She have been known to carry a grudge for a long time. At time she acts like an adult and other she is a child with a few temper tantrums. 

Talents: She is a well trained sorceress 

Activities/Hobbies/Pastimes: It cannot be call hobbies for she studies all types of magic. Her goal is to learn everything there is and be able to use it to its full extends. 

Interests: The Universe, majic and discovering the answers to all mysteries 

Self-Image: She does not think much about herself some many even say she has a low self esteem 

Weakness: Her fear of death is sometimes so strong she cannot move to talk 

Special Abilities/Powers: bend the Power of the Universe to her will 

Popular or Loner: Loner not by choice 

Overall Personality: She is easy to get a long with and a people pleaser 

Best Personality Trait: Friendly and trusting 

Worst Personality Trait: She is vindictive 

Fears: To watch those she love die 

Sexuality: N/A 

Thoughts on love & Relationships: She is a child and the only relationship she was in was that with her mother and father. 

Relationship History: Parent/ daughter relationship only 

General Likes: Book, Written, Majic and Signing 

General Dislikes: Pain, Lies, Dishonesty and Fakers 

Usually Equipped With: She normal carries around two pictures one of her and her mother when she was very young and the other is her mother on her wedding day. She also carries around a small notebook to jolt down things and a pouch that has majic charms and herbs to help her preform spells.

~ Background ~

Mother: Maladra nó Delaunay 

Mother's role in upbringing: She was loving and took great pride in how Phe was grown up. She would make sure that Phe only got the best of everything and that Phe passion became reality. 

Father: Maziel nó Delaunay 

Father's role in upbringing: Her father taught her about an honest days work was nothing to be a shame of. Even though he was a Lord and had many servants he would spend much time working around the home helping out where ever he could. 

Family Finances: They are well to do 

Birth Order & Siblings: None 

Relationships with Siblings: None 

Education: She was taught by many in her field like the Great Mab 

Ethnic Heritage: Phe was brought up in the old way of Phey. They protected those that could not take care of themselves and help those less fortunate than them. 

Accent: A Gaelic Brogue

History: Phèdre nó Delaunay born unto the House Delaunay of the Mythical Isle Avalon born in the year 666 b.c. to Maziel and Maladra no Delaunay she enjoyed many years of joy in her childhood on Avalon, in her young life she began her training in the Mystical arts under the Three Fates, She was trained in spells long since lost to both wizard and witches, the training was a difficult and time consuming there is not an herb or oil that is unknown to her, she has had the honour of learning the ancient forbidden arts only known to the Fates. 

At the age of 500 years old after the Fates could not teach her any longer Phèdre packed up her belongings and bid her family and mentors good bye to travel out into the world to learn of it and it’s ways, on her travels she crossed the Path of such great Sorcerers and Sorceresses the likes of Nakano and even the fabled Queen Mab, she furthered her studies from all gifted spell casters, her journeys carried her to the House of Stelara Gnothi where she learned the art of Star Magick, she was tutored under the watchful eye of the High Priestess Lasiandra a surviving Mistress of the now lost art, Phèdre spent many years in the House even long after her studies completed she remained as a teacher, the House of Stelara Gnothi was raided by the Roman legion which had spread out to conquer the world and burned it to the ground and slaughtering all inside as She fought the onslaught of Legionnaires, she turned to witness a Centurion in Gold Armor run through Lasiandra with his sword, her rage engulfed and she cast down upon him a curse of the Immortalis and then fled from the Great burning House with four apprentices at her side. She trained them in the ways of Lasiandra and set them off into the world three of them set out into history only to have one remain a Young Boy by the name of Merlin, he yearned for more than just what Lasiandra taught and such hunger for knowledge Phèdre could not ignore, in the year 950 a.d. Merlin himself set out into the world and History, after her fledglings took their places in the world, Phèdre returned to her original intention a home of her own.

Languages Spoken: Elven, Draconic, Fairy, Vampiric, Gaelic, Scottish and English 

Religion: Spiritual 
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