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In fairytales there are two types of guys: prince charming and the bad guy. In real life prince charming is the bad guy.


23 Of March - B-day dinner of my friend! So we went to a cocktail bar. Notice cock in there?! Well that's because we met a lot of potential cocks to date or have for one night, depends.

21 Of January - The official break-up. Turns out that some guys don't see it when they're dating the biggist fish. His loss.. Now, my list for the new year: have more male friends. Get out of the comfort zone!

2 Of August - I felt like I was in an episode of "All you need is love". I went to Austria for 2 weeks and I wasn't going to see my boyfriend for like a whole mounth!! DRAMA!! But all of a sudden we were walking in the city and BAM there was my sweetheart! He came all the way from Belgium just to see me! and ofcourse he stayed for the rest of the holiday by my side. SO ROMANTIC! gosh, I love that guy!

20 Of May - My boyfriend I celebrated our 3 mounths. He planned a romantic dinner at a restaurant. Gosh! I love that guy ^^ + we went to see the new Pirates movie (on stranger tides) despite from what everybody is saying, I liked the movie, it's better than the previous one.. And I'm glad Orlando and Knightley weren't in it anymore.. on a scale from 1 tot 10 this movie deserves an 8!!

11 - 20 Of May - Got an internship for my education ^^ Being a teacher is hard, it's not the teaching, but the part of being a paerntal substitute, watching those kids all the time is exhausting XD but it's totally worth it, saying goodbye to them wasn't easy..

11 Of April - Easter holiday!! whiiii, I'm so excited. Me, my boyfriend and some friends are planning on making an educative movie about sexual eduction, I'm guessing it will contain a lot of laughter and bloopers XD

15 Of February - Met an amazing boy - MATS - we're like together now

15 Of October - School has been amazing so far. Love the new class, the new school, the new start. I adore my education. Today was perfect. Had to give gymnastics to children from 8-9 years old. ADORABLE. And we decided to go with the theme forest animals.. So, yea a was a cute, pretty, awsome Lady Bug ^^ The kids totally loved me, and I them. I couldn't think of any education/profession that could be more satisfing as this.

20-23 Of August - Finally re-decorated my room, it looks amazing! It's like -wow- ^.^

13 Of August - I'm going to meet amazing people I haven't seen for over a year! It's worth waiting, because I love those peops

08 Of August - Back from a beautiful holiday way up in the mountains of Austria

19 Of July - Officially started with the Gentse Feesten, love that festival!

17 Of July - Back from Oxford Hertford College!! It was truly an amazing experience

30 of June - Packing my suitcase.. Going to England soon!!

28 of June - Got my page! Isnt it wonderful ?!
Tell my friend: PinkDolle that!
She made and coded this fabulous page.. omg I love her!!
Heres the link to her shop if you
guys want one!

25 of June - Getting my page done.. And it's graduation party tonight =)

24 of June - Been to Paris all day!! Beautiful

22 of June - Party!! Heard that I had an A, so I'm going to graduate
+ I felt like going to "OVERPOORT" !

21 of June - Economics, my last exam.
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What Mythical Creature are you?
Your Result: Nymph

Nymphs are known for being extraordinarily beautiful. Unlike other mythical creatures, Nymphs are completely unselfish and do not always realize their beauty. Because of this naivette, they are easily taken advantage of. Nymphs are quite innocent and devoted. They have one main passion in life, and devote themselves to it. As a Nymph, you are pure of heart, playful, and very free spirited.

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